“Texas is a state of mind. Texas is an obsession. Above all, Texas is a nation in every sense of the word.”
-John Steinbeck
So, it’s been a little over a month now since I moved to Texas and I definitely feel more settled into work now. My boss is over-the-moon happy with my performance so far, so I feel pretty good about the work I’m doing. It’s nice to feel valued and appreciated in the office, especially since I’m now learning you spend more time with your coworkers than the people you live with… That has been a sad reality for me to accept because I NEVER wanted work to be the majority of anything in my life.

Lately, I’ve been buying Starbucks at least once a week, which I NEVER used to do. In part, because they are just more accessible than Dunkins here (my drug of choice)- and also because I discovered my drink. I was never big on Starbucks because I never had a drink from there that I truly felt was worth the *steep* price. But, I’ve changed. I discovered the Salted Sweet Cream Cold Foam Cold Brew. In between Sweet Creams though I stick to my cheap Dunks classic.

I had my first major website launch at work. I presented the site to the board of directors for a huge non profit organization, and they loved it. Of course immediately after that presentation, everything that could have possibly gone wrong- WENT WRONG. In summary: I had my first major work meltdown at the office. I didn’t embarrass myself or anything but I certainly let my emotions show. I was extremely frustrated and I wasn’t even trying to hide it at this point. I learned a lot from that experience, not only about how to avoid this kind of thing in the future, but also about how I want to emotionally and professionally manage myself in the future if something like this should happen again. More on that another time…

I experienced my first instance of being away from family during a birthday/holiday. My younger sister, the one I shared a room with up until I was 23, had her birthday fall on Father’s Day this year, so it was a double punch to the gut. It was difficult to be away knowing everyone was celebrating together. I felt guilty that I wasn’t able to physical celebrate with these two important individuals in my life- especially since my love language is 100% physical touch. (another topic I’ll elaborate more on later)
Goals for The Next Month (Or Two)
- Make a New Houston Friend
- Lock Down an Apartment
- Format a Budget (That I Will Actually Stick To)
- Make More Creative Work Lunches