I am constantly checking out the App Store for new releases and trying to stay updated on which apps are popular at the moment. I like finding new ways to streamline my routine, and it seems like everyday there is a new app that promises it will do exactly that. After plenty of trail and error, I think I’ve got a pretty good set of apps that are ESSENTIAL to my daily life in terms of function.
Here are my favorite apps that I have downloaded on my phone at the moment, and why I think you should try them out for yourself.

The best digital drawing app. I downloaded it on my iPad (cost $9.99) after being disappointment by all the free drawing apps. There are lots of brush options so you can completely customize your experience. I don't often spend money on apps, but I'm glad I took the chance on this one. Highly reccommend.

My spelling is so bad that sometimes spellcheck doesn't even know what I'm trying to say. Also, I tend to makeup my own rules when it comes to proper grammar. I'm kind of a mess- but I can hide all of that thanks to Grammarly.

This may seem like an odd suggestion, but if you fly JetBlue (which I try to do everytime I fly), I highly recommend downloading the app before your next flight. I love having the option to use a digital boarding pass and getting flight notifications. Accessing the "In-Flight Entertainment" is much easier, as well booking flights, changing seats, and checking-in for flights. The interface is simple and very user-friendly. This app plays nicely with the Apple watch as well, which is an added bonus. I am even able to access my boarding pass from my watch, so if my hands are full and security, or the gate, I can have my boarding pass scanned right from my watch.

Cam Scanner
With high quality cameras included in every cellphone, scanners have become virtually obsolete. When you need to upload paperwork or important documents in an email or online application, it has become common practice to just take a normal picture with your cellphone. Personally, I prefer to use the app Cam Scanner when I need to upload important documents though. This app mimics the appearance of an actual scanner and allows me to ensure that ALL of the text is clearly displayed in the scan. Also great for scanning physical photo prints when you want to upload/save digital versions.

I am definitely not the first person to recommend this popular platform. I like using Dropbox on my phone when I want to backup images from my photo gallery. I like to upload my photos to Dropbox to save storage space on my phone, and also to ensure that I have backups just in-case I lose or damage my phone. (I say this as someone who DOES NOT utilize iCloud storage).

Dunkin Donuts
If you drink Dunkin Donuts coffee regularly, like I do, than I highly recommend using the app. Instead of pulling out my credit card every time I buy a coffee, I just upload funds to the app and hold up the provided barcode when it comes time to pay. Not only is it easier to pay- but I am racking up reward points every time I pay through the app- which results in a free beverage every two weeks or so (depending how often you go to DD)